homeless links
- The Dumpster Diving FAQ discusses the perils and possibilities of using the urban waste stream.
- Empty The Shelters is "an organization of young people working to end poverty." From the Kensington Welfare Rights Union.
- Global Homeless Network is a webring of organizations and individuals working against homelessness.
- Homeless Homepage at Communications for a Sustainable Future provides resource links and discussion.
- The Homeless List is "a global electronic discussion list focused on the subject of Homelessness."
- Homelessness in the UK presents UK resource lists.
- Homes Not Jails Boston has links and information including Political Squatting Tips by Tom Borland.
- The Homeless Page provides information on and dispels myths of homelessness.
- Homeless People and the Internet explains how to use the internet as a resource when you're homeless.
- National Coalition for the Homeless is a slick US organization running a National Homeless Civil Rights Organizing Project.
- North American Street Newspaper Association links street newpapers around the continent.
- SquatLink is a webpage for an email list by and for squatters.
- HNS is the Homeless News Service provided by Communications for a Sustainable Future.
- World Homeless Union links homeless websites throughout the world.
If you are using a java-capable browser and have some time you can try chatting on #homeless on talkcity. I've never seen anyone there myself. Here is a form to get the process started. Only the nickname is a required field.