
homeless links

The Dumpster Diving FAQ discusses the perils and possibilities of using the urban waste stream.

Empty The Shelters is "an organization of young people working to end poverty." From the Kensington Welfare Rights Union.

Global Homeless Network is a webring of organizations and individuals working against homelessness.

Homeless Homepage at Communications for a Sustainable Future provides resource links and discussion.

The Homeless List is "a global electronic discussion list focused on the subject of Homelessness."

Homelessness in the UK presents UK resource lists.

Homes Not Jails Boston has links and information including Political Squatting Tips by Tom Borland.

The Homeless Page provides information on and dispels myths of homelessness.

Homeless People and the Internet explains how to use the internet as a resource when you're homeless.

National Coalition for the Homeless is a slick US organization running a National Homeless Civil Rights Organizing Project.

North American Street Newspaper Association links street newpapers around the continent.

SquatLink is a webpage for an email list by and for squatters.

HNS is the Homeless News Service provided by Communications for a Sustainable Future.

World Homeless Union links homeless websites throughout the world.

If you are using a java-capable browser and have some time you can try chatting on #homeless on talkcity. I've never seen anyone there myself. Here is a form to get the process started. Only the nickname is a required field.


Real Name:

E-Mail Address:



Last update: 25 January, 1999 © Bev Thornton,
