CHEMICAL HANDCUFFS is Daisy Benson's example of the use of forced drugging in remand facilities. This page is a public service for Women Prisoners Convicted by Forced Drugging.
Diseases of Consciousness is an artwork of the Critical Art Ensemble.
Euthanasia in the Netherlands reviews the Remmelink Report, a Dutch government study which recorded an average of three people per day killed without having knowledge of, or giving consent to, their execution by medical authorities.
Handicapped - Victims of the Nazi Era 1933 - 1945 describes the systematic, medical mercy killing of mentally ill or physically disabled people as precursor to the Holocaust.
help! is a consumer's guide to mental health information.
The Kevorkian Papers focuses on the work of history's most infamous serial killer of physically and mentally disabled people, Jack Kevorkian.
Living in Australia without deadly deliverance provides access to resources for people concerned about the practice of killing people who are medical patients.
The Lunatic's Liberation Front is an information network for alternatives to psychiatry.
MadNation has grown out of the Madness family of discussion lists. This will likely become the clearing house for human rights information for the mentally ill.
Not Dead Yet! is the organized resistance to legalization of assisted suicide for the merely disabled.
PSALMS is the Psychiatric Survivors Advocacy and Liberation Movement.
Shoshanna's Psychiatric Survivors' Guide is a page of empowerment for survivors of modern psychiatry.
The Suicide Machine is a special report of the freep included with their extra on Jack Kevorkian.
Support Coalition breaks the silence of human rights abuses in psychiatry and organizes through 45 grassroots groups in six countries.
ZANGMO BLUE THUNDERCLOUD is Sally Clay and here she presents alternatives for empowerment and recovery.
Last update: 25 January, 1999 © Bev Thornton,