Filename Format: ##.wld where ## is the assigned zone number. File Format: Field Descriptions: #virtual number * room vnum room-name * room name ~ * tildes are required room-description * sent on look ~ zone-number flag-bitvector area-type * see tables below D0 * direction for exit # look-north-text * sent on look in dir. # ~ door aliases * alias list for door ~ door-type key-number to-room-# * see tables, object vnum E * extra description marker keywords * keywords for look item ~ description of extra item * sent on look at keyword ~ S * end of room marker $ * end of file marker +--------------------+-------+ Tables +------------+-------------+ | Flag Bitvectors* | Area types | Directions | Door Types | |--------------------+----------------+------------+-------------+ |a DARK 1 | 0 Inside | 0 North | 0 open exit | |b DEATHTRAP 2 | 1 City | 1 East | 1 lockable | |c NOMOB 4 | 2 Field | 2 South | 2 pickproof | |d INDOORS 8 | 3 Forest | 3 West +-------------+ |e PEACEFUL 16 | 4 Hills | 4 Up | if no key, | |f SOUNDPROOF 32 | 5 Mountain | 5 Down | use -1 | |g NOTRACK 64 | 6 Water_swim +------------+-------------+ |h NOPSIONICS 128 | 7 Water_noswim | |i TUNNEL 256 | 8 Underwater | End each room with |j PRIVATE 512 | 9 Flight | the literal letter, S |k RUNNERSROOM 1024 |----------------+ +--------------------+ End each world file with a $ sign. Bitvectors - alphabetic are used as a string, eg: adi for a dark tunnel; numeric are summed, eg: 265 for the same tunnel (1+8+256)