These are Win95/98 software links. Specific programs are ones I actually use.
- EyeDropper - gives HEX values of selected colours.
- IrfanView - web-site down, available from major catalog sites.
- Size-O-Matic - sizes program windows.
Bobby Download - validator for web access.
- Font and Body Tag Wizard - web-site down, available from major catalog sites.
HTML TIDY - validator for HTML 4.0.
HTML-Kit - editor for HTML 4.0, front-end for TIDY.
HTMLIB download - HTML 4.0 information library.
- Agent - newsreader, in freeware and shareware versions.
- AGloBS - global body search utility for Agent newsreader.
- AutoAgent - runs Agent newsreader.
- Agent Task Monitor - utility to prevent lock-ups while using AutoAgent.
- Agent FreeBees - very useful free utilities for Agent users.
- DLStats - statistics program for Agent newsreader.
- iSpeed - allows you to tune your internet connection.
- NetLab - web-site down, available from major catalog sites.
- NukeNabber - handy utility for net nuisances.
- Opera - small, fast web browser.
- Pegasus Mail - full-featured, freeware email client.
- RFtp - pro version, freeware is available from major catalog sites.
- WinTin - telnet and mud client all-in-one.
- Xircon - irc client, takes tcl scripts.
internet updates
os updates
- TextTool - freeware text editor with syntax colouring.
- Wany Word - freeware text search with boolean and near operators.
Last update: 10 August, 1999 © Bev Thornton,