To get help on a specific command, while connected to the White Light game server, type: help 'command' (without the quotes).
' : afk alias apply ask assist auction autoassist autoexit autoloot autosplit backstab balance bang bash beep brief bug buy cash check clear close cls color colour commands compact consider cred credits creds decloak deposit diagnose direct display donate down drink drop east eat eavesdrop emote enter equipment examine exits fill flee follow forage gemote get give gossip grab grats gratz group gsay gtell help hide hit hold holler house idea immlist info inject inventory junk kick kill leave levels list listen lock look mail motd murder newbie news noauction nogossip nograts nogratz nonewbie norepeat north noshout nosing notele notell noxgoss offer open order peace pick policy pour practice prompt put qsay quest qui quit read receive remove rent reply report rescue rest retreat runners save say scan score sell shout sing sip sit sleep sneak socials south split stand steal take taste tell time title toggle track typo ungroup unlock up use value visible wake wear weather west where whisper who whoami wield wimpy withdraw write xgossip