This screen can be seen on the server by typing: help channels
CHANNEL CHANNELS White Light has nine general communication channels. Comms are made possible through the Corporation implant each player character is fitted with at birth. Auction - for selling game items to other players, Flame - for whining, complaining, taunting and inflaming, Gossip - for general chatter within the game, Gratz - for shrieks of delight and congratulation of other players, Newbie - help for new users, OOC - Out-Of-Character channel for non-role-playing gossip, Sing - for cybersinging and discussion of music (OOC allowed), Stuff - for discussing cars & guitars, shopping & shoes, (OOC allowed) Xgossip - for gossiping with language that may be offensive to some users. See also: AUCTION, GOSSIP, XGOSSIP, GRATZ, NEWBIE, SING, TOGGLE, NOXGOSSIP, NOAUCTION, NOGOSSIP, NOGRATZ, NONEWBIE, NOSING, FLAME, OOC, STUFF, NOFLAME, NOOOC, NOSTUFF