White Light Credits Screen

= White Light ======================================== Credits =
          jeezlus@reborn.com, scar, veb@earthling.net
Additional Code By: ==== (people listed below are innocent) ====
?, Sapowox, Pjotr, Master, Necromonitor necro@praxis.annex.net,
S. Mead meadsh@ECE.ORST.EDU, Andy Hubbard hub@LEICESTER.AC.UK,
George Greer greerga@circlemud.org, Mike ,
Chuck Carson chuck@digmo.org, Jon Barrett, mizzrym@hotmail.com,
The Immortal Staff of Eclipse of Fate eclipse.argy.com 7777, 
Brian Williams bmw@efn.org, Havoc of Dagmarck Mark Gerritsen,
P , Ryan Stuck , PD,
Ron Hensley , Ryan Stapleton ,
Leonardo Herrera , Havoc of Dagmarck,
Trevor Man (tman@dial.pipex.com), Josh B. ,
Mark Komus 

Code Lifted From:      Ceramic Mouse    http://mouse.van.ml.org/
              Circle Mud Solutions    http://patches.van.ml.org/

                           Obuild 0.8

  by Sammy samedi@dhc.net  http://www.dhc.net/~samedi/code.html
             See: 'help areas' for credits for areas
 C  I  R  C  L  E  M  U  D  3 . 0    P A T C H   L E V E L   14
CircleMUD developed from DikuMUD (Gamma 0.0) by Jeremy Ras Elson
at Johns Hopkins University's Department of Computer Science. 
All code unique to CircleMUD is protected under a copyright by 
the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University. CircleMUD is free 
and can be downloaded via anonymous FTP from ftp.circlemud.org 
or ftp2.circlemud.org in pub/CircleMUD. Its author can be 
contacted at jelson@circlemud.org. Type HELP CIRCLEMUD for info
=================== http://www.circlemud.org/ ===================
Original DIKU game idea, concept, and design:
  Katja Nyboe              [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
  Tom Madsen             [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
  Hans Henrik Staerfeldt          [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
  Michael Seifert                [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
  Sebastian Hammer              [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

Additional contributions from Michael Curran, Bill Wisner, Mads 
Haar, and Stephan Dahl. Originally developed at: DIKU - 
 The Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.

White Light Player Information Screens
Information screens available during logon: background, classes, phenotypes.
Information screens available by keyword: credits, help, info, news, policies.
Return to: Players Help, Help Page, Main Page.